Last week a new group of customers had the opportunity to participate in a new training on pipes supports, organized by Goizea approximately every three months in our Lisega factory, Zeven (Germany).
This time we had the pleasure of having companies such as Elecnor, OHL and Sener.
After the usual review of the technical features of our Lisega product portfolio, participants could learn about our facilities and manufacturing processes. They could also enjoy the facilities dedicated to our VICODA antivibration products, as well as the test benches for large shock absorbers (type 31), recently purchased by Lisega, in order to offer a wider service to our customers.
The visit to our pipe hangers museum was also particularly interesting, as well as our robot welding processes, induction heating for rigid struts and, of course, to our permanent stock of 40 million euros.
To all attendees, our thanks for the interest and confidence in our company and, of course, for their pleasant presence and exchanging of experiences.